Monday, January 7, 2008


Afgelopen zomer heb ik foto's van bloemen en planten in mijn tuin gemaakt. Vooral de roos inspireerde mij tot de volgende LO's.


I also got a picture of me and the grandmother of my Dad. She was born at september 1880 . She was more than 80 years old when she died. Her name was Cornelia. We called her 'opoe Kee'. She also lived in Zeeland.


It's so nice when you have old pictures of your family. I've got a picture of the mother of my Dads grandmother. She lived in Zeeland as you can see at her clothes. She was born on august 1846 and died in may1925 . She became 78 years old. On this picture she is almost blind.She gave birth at 10 children.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Last week I spent a lot of ours scanning old negative films from my daughters. As I saw the old pictures on Knutselfreak her blog of her and my daughter, I rememberd the good old days as her mother and I went with our daughters to the animalfarm. We had a great time together and still are friends. I used Raspberryroad Grandmother's Delight Elements and paper. It would be nice to visit their blogs: Saffiertje and Knutselfreak. Is's nice we have the same hobby: scrapping.